2022 Project Management Tools for Virtual Assistants

2022 Project Management Tools for Virtual Assistants

Streamlining your workflow with your virtual team is critical for your online business activities. Increase your Virtual assistants’ work efficiency with the help project management tools.

It is projected that by the end of 2021, 51% of all knowledge workers globally are expected to be working remotely. Adapting to the virtual workforce requires valuable skills as well as the right tools when working with a remote team. 

It is imperative that remote teams have a hub where all the moving parts of everyone’s job can be found to maximize efficiency. But finding the right platform where all of a team’s technical needs will be met can be a tricky thing to figure out. 

Continue reading to get to know more about project management and be secure in deciding which platform to use to get your team running like a well-oiled machine this 2022!

Understand what your team needs from a platform

There are plenty of online project management tools on the web right now which makes collaborating and keeping things on track efficient and, at times, fun!

Feel free to browse through the 15 Best Project Management Tools right now. 

It can be overwhelming and time consuming to go through and try each and everyone of these platforms. Instead, think of the things that are essential to your team’s current workflow and what can be improved on. Only then can you compare through the various platforms to find the best one for your team. 

Project management tools essentially have the following workflows, it’s just  a matter of figuring out which of these workflows are essential to your team’s process and roles. 

  • Kanban
  • Gantt Chart
  • Timelines

Each workflow has their own pros and cons and can be very familiar for a seasoned employee especially those who have done remote work. After all, remote work with a team is dependent on successful collaboration.

Here are the core workflows you need to know!


The Kanban system makes use of ‘boards’ where each ‘card’ can be a task, and they are organized in columns that can mimic a process. 

Think of boards as a campaign or project, and the columns can be titled as To Do, Doing, and Done. The cards can be specific tasks that the team can move around to visually see the progress of tasks.

There are a variety of other ways to set this up but that is the most common example in order to understand the kanban system. 

Depending on the platform, the ‘cards’ are also supercharged with a lot of customizable features such as adding checklists, dates, labels, and can be automated!

The way this system is designed is for each step to be seen and to see what needs more attention. It’s extremely helpful for those who are looking to see all the moving parts of a project or campaign. 

A major con of this is that it can get very crowded. If there is no proper organization and archiving then important notes or steps can be hard to find. 

Here are three project management tools that offer Kanbans with a Free trial option:

Gantt Charts

This is a visually helpful workflow for time sensitive projects. This will help teams evaluate the time needed until completion. It can also help in reevaluating how to optimize a team’s work efficiency. 

Having an overall view of the project, it can help spot overlaps and dependencies of tasks, for those who are thinking why certain tasks are taking more time than others. 

This then allows for better tracking of benchmarks because of its time sensitive purpose. 

A major con of this is that it can get incredibly complex and complicated to the detriment of the team especially if there are those who are new to learning it. 

Here are three project management tools that offer Gantt Charts with a Free trial option:


Similar to a Gantt chart, it follows a line to see the progress of your projects or campaigns, however, it’s primarily linear. 

It acts more as an overview of projects/campaigns. It’s also great at spotting upcoming events, milestones, deadlines, and tasks when plotted on the line. It’s a great way to visually see progress without all the frills. But its lack in details and the specifics can be crucial for a team. 

However, this is a great workflow to show clients to see the campaign or project as it hits its goals. 

Here are three project management tools that offer Timeline with a Free trial option:

So, what now?

Hopefully that has helped you understand workflows more and that when you embark on your search for the perfect project management platform, you won’t go through such trial and errors. 

If you’re interested to know more about project management, digital marketing, and a variety of other topics then don’t forget to check us out on our other social media for more content! 


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