People can often mix up lacking confidence and being introverted, but those things aren’t synonymous with each other, it’s not true at all! It can be a bit difficult to overlook as some can downplay or not notice the skills and experiences that introverts can offer.
If you are an introvert that wants to step up into the light to get more opportunities then keep on reading!
There are a variety of people you will meet in the workplace and each person has their own strengths that all make sure that the business is a well oiled machine. But there have been conversations on how introverts might get overshadowed by extroverts in the workplace and that this also reduces the chances for them to get more opportunities. Let’s look into that!
Being introverted is a matter of energy and nature that some people resonate with. But it is never an indicator of someone who is less valuable. Introverts have their own set of strengths that they also hone and share with the people around them!
Here are the ways that introverts can elevate themselves to get more opportunities!
Introverts motivate through positive feedback
Take the first step in targeting areas that you need to improve on. Seek out the objective help of colleagues and superiors. Challenging yourself to become better and committing to the challenge is the start of building not just skills but the confidence in yourself to execute.
Be comfortable in talking about yourself
‘Networking’ isn’t a dirty word and it isn’t something to be feared. It’s a matter of mindset when you challenge yourself out of your comfort zone. You might be surprised to find like minded individuals once you put a foot out the door.
Remember that you are looking to connect with people and offering your services to the right people will come in later.
Recommendation boosts introverts’ self-confidence
Show up and do your best If you’re still afraid to network yourself through big gatherings or in a crowd then consider letting your work to speak for itself at what you do and this will not be overlooked by those who see your value.
Feeling shy? Get a close coworker to hype you up to others in networking events! Get the recommendation of your superiors. These are a few ways to get yourself out there!
What is the worst thing that could happen in an introvert’s career?
To beat that self-doubt and insecurities that are getting in the way of gaining confidence, ask yourself, “What is the worst that could happen?” Often, it is the fear of rejection that can paralyze a person.
But when you think about it long and hard about the chances of the worst case scenario to happen, it starts to not be so scary.
What’s the big deal if you stumble and make mistakes?
We learned these valuable lessons from our conversation with Stephen Lu! Watch the full video below!