Getting Linkedin Marketing Right With Salina Yeung

Getting Linkedin Marketing Right With Salina Yeung

LinkedIn has been around since 2003 and overtime it has changed as a platform. Initially used as a job searching platform, over the years it has evolved and became a social media platform for brands and business owners to interact and share their insights in their respective fields. 

And with that said, it’s high time that you join in on the platform as well. LinkedIn is a great place to create meaningful business connections and where you can learn from the best in the industry. 

So, you have your profile or business page setup but don’t know what to post? What exactly should you be posting about? Keep on reading to know our best LinkedIn Marketing tips!

What is LinkedIn Marketing?

It is the process of creating content that markets or promotes yourself, your business, or a service. It is to create content that has a purpose and this ties in with marketing!

And on how to get this right, think of baking, you have to get just the right mix of ingredients and the right portions of things in order to make sure that you find your perfect recipe. 

Just how much do you understand your audience? What kind of audience or clients do you want to attract? What kind of tone and personality do you want to project? What kind of content are you comfortable creating? All of these things come together for you to create just the right mix when doing content marketing. 

What types of Linkedin posts are available?

Over on LinkedIn there are primarily 6 types of posts you can create.

  • Text only
  • Photo
  • Document (Carousel)
  • Video
  • Poll
  • Article

When utilized, each post type can generate a certain reaction and outcome, but the ultimate goal here is to get engagement. 

Which is the best content to produce when marketing on Linkedin?

We have come to learn that there isn’t one true best post type but rather the focus should be on what content are you most comfortable creating in the first place? 

If you are comfortable with being in front of a camera then maybe you can consider creating video content. If you’re more comfortable with writing then maybe text only and articles posts could be your focus. If you’re great in designing graphics and can better express yourself there then go for it!

Find first what you’re most comfortable with and eventually the rest can be learned!

Our key takeaway from our conversation with Salina, content Marketing over on LinkedIn can be simple and complex at the same time. But remember to think of it like baking! There are a variety of ingredients and it’s a bit of a trial and error when figuring out what works but remember to start with what you’re most comfortable creating and the rest will follow! 

We’ve learned all of these things and more from our conversation with Salina Yeung, THE LinkedIn expert herself. We tackled in detail about understanding your audience, thoughts on going viral, secrets of how long a LinkedIn video should be, why people are prioritizing LinkedIn in comparison to other platforms, and plenty more! 

If you want to watch our full insightful conversation with Salina Yeung then you can watch the video below!

Feel free to also check out our other videos with our amazing guests and virtual assistants in our YouTube channel!

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